Roy Morgan Research look at Australia’s health via the Alere Wellness Index. The current results show an overall health improvement since they commenced tracking “our health” back in December 2007.
Of the seven subindices, we have improved in five: smoking, nutrition, activity and fitness, alcohol and medical conditions—but our BMI and Psych results are down. So what can we do to improve our own health in these two areas?
It sounds simple, just a few words – lose weight and look after your mental health. But how?
Did you know that losing weight is 80% about what you consume and being fit is not about how much you weigh? This is why the fitness category can have an improvement and not BMI? Pay attention to what you are eating, when and how much. Do you drink enough water, the majority of “hunger” pangs are often a sign that your body needs water, not food. Are you consuming at least 2 litres of water a day?
It is never too late to seek help. I am currently working with a Glam Ma (early 70’s) and with an OS trip thrown into the mix, she is .2kg of her target weight, yes just 200 grams.
Mental health, there are two things guaranteed to create angst in your life, comparison and control.
As they say it is none of our business what others think about us, so why do we think it beneficial to look at and compare ourselves and our lives against another’s? What someone else has, how they acquired it, what they do for a living and how they behave, is really irrelevant to how we live our lives.
Do you try to control? We know how difficult it can be to change our own behaviours, so why do we spend so much time and energy trying to get others to change? That really is an exercise in futility, as easy as turning the tide back with a teaspoon. Spend your time and energy working on what you can change about you, that is where your focus needs to be.
If we could all work on these two behaviours – comparison and control, think of the benefits, not just to our own mental health, but to those around us.
The simplest things are always the best, but not always the easiest. Pick one area, and then a subset of that area and keep working at it. An example could be that you would like to lose weight, start with increasing your water intake, eating at regular times, or not eating after 8:00 pm. When you have conquered the first step, don’t lose momentum and start on the next step.
Wishing you a peaceful mind and a healthy BMI