I have read a few posts of late that state that “having a good friend is good for the soul”, which can definitely be true, and that “long term friends are a necessity to life”, I do not necessarily agree with this statement, and believe that it could potentially make some feel like they are lacking. Whilst I do not dispute that friendship is a wonderful thing, and long term friendships can be special. I personally believe the most important friendship, the one that I feel is a necessity for a happy and healthy life, is the friendship you have with yourself.
The first step is to recognise that true happiness comes from within. That love and support must start with loving and supporting ourselves. Some of the values that we admire and look for in others; love, trust, honesty and respect can be non-negotiable traits for our friendships. We should therefore also demand these qualities of ourselves for ourselves; that to me is living with integrity.
I have been truly blessed to have wonderful friends in my life. Some have been there for a short time, some a long time, and yet others have been there at the perfect time to support me through difficult times and vice versa. What is important to understand and remember is that it is not the length of a friendship that is important but the mutual love, trust, respect and honesty. True friendship is something to be celebrated. Always start with the friendship you have with yourself.