We all have, or have had a bad habit or two that developed over time – and then when it was time to let go it was a struggle, until we got help or found a process. Some of us may still be working on eliminating a habit that no longer serves.
For me smoking was one of my bad habits. Developed at a very young age for me to fit in and be part of the crowd. By the time I realised how detrimental it was to me, it was firmly entrenched as a bad habit. But knowing how habits are formed and the tips and tricks to eliminate them, you can if you choose, stop yourself from developing a habit that will eventually not serve you, or break a bad habit that you have developed.
So how do we develop a bad habit? Generally it starts as a ‘thing’ that is repeated time and time again. Initially it starts as something that makes us feel good, helps us cope with something, or makes something go away (an emotion or feeling) – albeit temporarily. So initially our habit is something that helps us, this is generally referred to as self-soothing. However over time, with repeated use, we end up with a bad habit.
So my first tip for breaking a bad habit, is to stop labelling it as a bad habit. It is a habit and one that initially helped, and is now no longer serving.
Take time over the next week and identify one of your habits that is no longer serving you and think back to when you started the ‘thing’, and notice how it no longer serves you. Once you have this recognition we can start the journey to eliminate this habit. Check in next week for my top tips on how to break/eliminate a habit that is no longer serving you.
Have a wonderful weekend.