Emotional Freedom Technique
Emotional Freedom Technique is used to treat a range of psychological conditions. And is a leading energy therapy, that could be viewed as acupuncture, without the needles. EFT draws on Chinese medicine, psychology and psychiatry. EFT works by bringing balance to the energy within your body.
Mind Body Connection
Science has proven that there is a mind-body connection. This indicates emotional health dictates physical health. EFT uses positive energy to align and balance your meridians. This in turn balances the mind and body, for healing and prevention. EFT can assist in removing:
- Negative emotions from past memories/traumas,
- Limiting beliefs,
- Fears and phobias, or
- Feelings of regret or concerns for the future.
As with a lot of complimentary modalities, many practitioners have not studied EFT. Reading a book, or attending a session themselves is all that is required; to call yourself an EFT practitioner. This is the same with any modality that is not regulated within Australia.
And never be afraid to ask to see your practitioners qualifications.
My main focus when working with clients and EFT. Is to empower and teach them, how to use this modality at any time. EFT is easily one of the most flexible modalities, in terms of location and surroundings. If necessary you can calm yourself down whilst sitting on the toilet, or driving your car.