Loving yourself! It does not mean going to the extreme and becoming a narcissistic, but to love yourself as in accept everything about yourself, be happy in your skin, be confident in who you are.
There are some who feel that being in love with yourself means you are vain or conceited, that is not necessarily the case. You can be happy and love yourself without being vain, in fact that is one of the key elements in having love for yourself. I am sure you have heard the phrase “You can’t love others until you love yourself.” It’s a common phrase that has been said for years and it has truth behind it. When you have accepted and love yourself you are able to love others warts and all, it is easy, it is what we call unconditional love.
Another wonderful perk about loving yourself is that when you do, you don’t look for acceptance or approval from others; because you already have the confidence you need, and you know you are perfectly imperfect just the way you are.
I wish this concept was easy for people to understand, it’s sad to see people with self-esteem issues, if only loving yourself came as easy as degrading yourself. Next time you find yourself saying hurtful things about yourself, stop, assess and say something nice.
When you love yourself you not only feel better but look better, as you emit a beauty, a natural beauty. The other bonus to loving yourself is that you are more likely have a better family and home life; this is because once you learn to love yourself you are a happier person in general which leads to those around you being happier.
Benefits of Loving Yourself
- You can love others unconditionally
- You are not impacted by what others think of you
- You look and feel better
- You are easier to get along with
- People want to be around you
Loving yourself can have a ripple effect on those around you, and in the world at large. We all can use some positive vibes in our lives. It’s like when you fall in love everything in the world changes and things just seem better, more appealing, and more beautiful. The same can be said when you love yourself. Things change in the world, your outlook and those around you. Now, this is a feeling and emotion worthy of sharing.