How to set intentions to create a vision for 2022 and beyond.
2022 is a year which follows two of the most challenging and interesting years globally for some time. Even when there is a lot going on in the wider world, it’s important to come back to centre, and focus on what you are personally creating.
January is traditionally the time of year that most people are setting their goals and focusing on resolutions that often lose their energy as February begins.
This year, I’m inviting you to set intentions and create a vision. Instead of focussing on a few goals or resolutions, that are generally not kept. And as I have done, no pressure to do in January.
So what is the difference between a goal, intention and a vision?
A goal is usually something easily measured, such as going for a walk daily or moving your business profits to a set amount over a certain time.
An intention is a larger concept, and is generally defined as an overall outcome, with less focus on the details of the journey. It creates a purpose to measure our success by.
It’s a direction we are aligning ourselves to, in order to move forwards.
A vision is the complete picture. It’s what you keep in mind as a reference point, while making your way towards it.
It may be a lifestyle change, a collective vision, or a picture of how you desire your daily life to be.
So, goals are the little steps, an intention is the overall aim or purpose, and vision is the bigger picture.
All three work harmoniously together, but since most people know how to set goals already, let’s focus on setting an intention and creating a vision.
It’s important to realise that if your goals, intention and vision are out of alignment, you may find reaching any of them more challenging. Often impossible.
If your goal is to get healthy, but your intention is to live in the moment, and your vision contains a lot of champagne and parties, you may need to readjust all three in line with what is really important to you.
Setting Intentions
To set an intention, you need to create a statement that speaks fully of the overall purpose that you are choosing to move towards.
Some may like to do this at a certain time, such as the New Moon, in a small ceremony with a meditation to help discover your most heartfelt intentions, or out in nature. Timing and location are up to you.
Your intention may be something like “To live harmoniously with myself, others and Nature” or, “To work ethically, while creating financial security and abundance” or even more simple, “To carry a sense of inner peace at all times”.
It can be related to any aspect of your life you feel is most important to you right now.
Writing it down somewhere visible, committing it to memory, or even meditating with your chosen intention can be an extremely powerful method of aligning yourself to your set intention.
Keep in mind that an Intention like “Success” may bring you success. A clearer, more specific Intention like “Being a successful leader in the field of higher education”, is more likely to bring specific results.
Creating a Vision
Most people have some idea of what they would like in the future, how they see their life taking place over time.
By tapping into seeing what is ahead, and doing this clearly and often, you have the ability to move closer to, or arrive at, your vision in less time.
Great tools for this can be:
- using collage or vision board (which can be created in one sitting or added to over time),
- writing very clear lists, or
- focusing on an image in your mind as often as you can. Doing this before dropping off to sleep is beneficial.
Some people may hold a clear vision of their dream home for twenty years. And slowly and consistently work towards that exact vision.
Others may envision changing the world.
At times, our vision can be very simple. Like a holding a clear picture in our mind of waking up happy each day (which is actually quite powerful in its simplicity).
Visualisation is a key part of having a vision, so once you have a clear image, keep looking at it!
Putting it all together…
You can have a large list of intentions and even a few different visions, for different areas of your life.
What is most important is that when you are creating any of these, you consider if they work harmoniously together.
Keep all aspects as aligned as possible, this will make the journey smoother as you work towards arriving at your highest vision.
It’s also very helpful to keep coming back to your intention and vision as often as you can to stay focused on it, this also allows you to adjust or expand either at any time you feel necessary. A minimum for this focus would be daily. Several times a day is king.
When you are clear, consistent and heartfelt aligned on every level, you are in the best space to create a life that is what you want.
Wishing you a 2022 filled with meaningful Intentions and incredible Vision.
Deb x