Cut The ‘Crap’ & Get On With Living
Who this workshop is for, anyone who:
- Knows they are not living life the way they want
- Is suffering stress or anxiety
- Knows someone that is suffering stress or anxiety
- Wants to have the skills and techniques in place to handle stress if it comes their way!
What is Stress?
Stress impacts us all the time. It is our response to everyday events, challenges and changes. There are two types of stress “eustress” which is beneficial and can help you perform more effectively and “stress” which if not addressed it can lead to chronic illness.
We all have a natural in-built response to stress called flight or fight. This system served us well when we lived in a cave, however, in this modern society it does not always serve as well as intended! Sadly from a young age we are taught to suppress our emotions; inappropriate time, wrong place or wrong company.
Stress comes about due to our interpretation of an event. The event itself is not stressful it is our interpretation and the resulting emotion that we feel. If we understand that emotions are energy – E is the scientific symbol for Energy, energy in motion…e-motion, emotion! Regardless of how an emotion makes you feel, it needs to be released. When we experience emotions that make us feel bad we tend to suppress, rather than express what we feel.
Emotions need to be released in a positive way, a response, rather than a negative way, a reaction. A reaction leads to more negative feelings such as guilt or embarrassment. To understand how and why we interpret, then respond or react to a situation, we need to appreciate that our past experiences form our beliefs, and our beliefs are attached to an emotion. We have all had different experiences therefore our beliefs and attached emotions are different. This is why people can experience the same event differently.
The core to managing stress is to understand what makes us feel bad, our beliefs and their connected emotions. We then need to work on the beliefs that no longer serve us and learn how to defuse those things that make us feel bad, or stop us from living a rich and meaningful life. We also need to know and understand what makes us happy.
Workshop Details
Bring with you:
Morning and afternoon tea will be provided.
For more detail please call me 0433 299 079 or to register click here
What now?
Take action and contact me on 0433 299 079, or click the Contact Me button and send an email. I answer all of my calls personally if not with a client or after hours, and promise to get back to you within 24 business hours.