Procrastination – noun the action of delaying or postponing things.
Procrastination and distractions are the quickest ways to failure or mediocrity. So why do we do it?
Often the reason is not as obvious as we would like to think, or may have been led to believe. Generally it is fear, but fear of what? Fear that if we take the action necessary we may actually get what we want? More clients in business, fitter, smarter, less stress – it just does not make sense that we wouldn’t do what is necessary, but it is what we do.
So why do we actually fear success? Is it that we are worried that once we get to where we want to be it won’t be all we had imagined, are we scared of failing? Or is it something much deeper? One kind of belief that we form growing up is called an upper limit belief (ULB), and it can be around success, money, health and fitness – all of those things that we can become experts at procrastinating over.
One that the majority of people have goes something like this. I can’t earn more than my Dad. Have you ever noticed that when you get to a certain level of success, another area of your life becomes topsy turvy? On a subconscious level we sabotage ourselves, we don’t let ourselves have it all. We say things like I can’t be fitter, healthier, or more successful than ****. Fill in the blank with whomever was around in your formative years. Understand this is not done on a conscious level.
So next time you find yourself procrastinating ask yourself why, really take the time to try and understand why you are doing, or in this case not doing the things that you need to do in order to succeed. Utilise your past as an advisor to your current behaviours, is there a pattern.
Some procrastination/distraction techniques that you may be familiar with:
- Fear of failing
- Fear of success
- No strong why/what is your desire
- Don’t feel like doing it
- It’s boring
- Television is more interesting
- Gambling
- Alcohol
If you recognise this trait within yourself and you are not able to deal with it on your own, then maybe it is time to consider seeking some help. You are worth the investment in time and money to have and be all that you are capable of being, you can be happy in all areas of your life. It is time to thrive. Step out of that comfort zone and create a new one.