Energy whether Love or Hate – we have a choice!
I have observed so much hate being projected on a couple of people, specifically: Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. They have been labelled psychopaths by many. This got me to thinking, which can be dangerous. As sometimes insights and information comes to light, that may not be accepted by others. In this instance I feel compelled to share.
There are a few things that I would like to briefly cover before I get to my insight about the current perceived onslaught of hate.
Firstly, I feel we need to remember it is not the person, but the behaviour that we do not like. We also need to be careful where we project our emotions. Emotions are energy in motion and will impact whatever you are projecting towards.
It is said that one of the traditional roles of a Shaman was to see an infant at birth. Assess the infant’s soul, and if deemed a psychopath the infant was left to die. Thereby keeping the tribe and community free from this form of energy. Before you gasp in horror, please keep reading.
Soul Agreements
For over 15 years I have been aware of soul agreements and how they work. This has helped me enormously over the years in not just forgiving, but thanking the hurts that were inflicted upon me. For those that may not be aware of soul agreements, the premise is that we decide what we are going to do when we incarnate upon this Earth. Nothing is left to chance. We decide what lessons we are going to learn, what experiences we are going to have, who we are going to connect with, and who our family will be (blood and soul) etc.
We then have soul agreements with people to fulfil all of this. The lessons could be traumatic, every day events, specific knowledge or bliss. And if we accept this to be true, then those that do inflict pain upon us must love us dearly to a) agree to the soul agreement and b) follow through with the requirements of the soul agreement.
Some soul agreements may be short lived, maybe a soul had to experience the human experience of being in the womb, or maybe to take a first breath.
What if?
What if:
- the lesson of being a psychopath was traditionally played out in the womb, and the role of the shaman was to ensure that the soul agreement was finalised as agreed at birth?
- with the changing world and societal ‘norms’ the psychopath is trapped in this lesson, without any sense of awareness, rational or reason? and
- if these people are now stuck in a role that is outside of their soul agreement?
We talk about having unconditional love for all living beings, but I see a lot of hate being projected. It has been shown that where there is collective consciousness that it feeds whatever it is projected upon. Whether love, sorrow, and yes hate.
Maybe as a collective we are going about this the wrong way. And we need to feel love and compassion for these people; trapped in a soul agreement that didn’t play out according to its original intention. Maybe we are feeding the beast, giving life to the behaviour that we dislike. Dr Masaru Emoto has spent many years studying the impacts of conscious thought on various items, I have attached a link to “Water Consciousness and Intent”, which is a beautiful representation of how our thoughts can impact other living organisms. I encourage you to watch this short YouTube clip, it only takes 3 minutes.
Understanding a little about energy, what if we helped create the monster that we now condemn and fear. Shouldn’t we as loving compassionate beings attempt to turn this around? Whether you agree or not isn’t it worth a try?